My Journey into the Paranormal through Haunted Tourism


Nine years ago today, I embarked on a journey I never expected would become my most notorious profession- EVER! No, not a Politician or a Dollar Dancer… but a Ghost Hunter. Although, just moving back to Los Angeles from Savannah, GA and not having a team, I became more of a solo-prenuer. Getting immersed in haunted tourism out East, gave me all the tools I needed. And of all cities to get trained in, too! So, I decided to start my first Ghost Tour business on Hollywood Blvd. Having received my MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in Theatre & Film from California State University-Humboldt (2005). Yes.. thaaat Huuuuumboldt 😉 And Yes, I graduated. Not too shabby, eh?

My focus was in Costume Design & Special Makeup Effects (MUFX) for film. So being well-versed in production through history, research, teamwork, and hands-on creation, gave me that “In”. How exciting it was to create, interview and map a Ghost Tour. The back office end not so much, but someone had to do it.

But how did I get “there”, you ask? “Oh, ok”… me digging deeper, (as the rotary card file turns). O.K. so, I was a weird kid. I think most who know me will highly agree. Growing up in West Duluth (by Merritt Park) in Minnesota. And No, unlike most of the PIs (paranormal investigators) out there, I’ve never had any paranormal experiences growing up, that I can recall. I am the paranormal incarnate! This was probably why I was picked on. But I’ve always been fascinated by deeper questions and the natural world. One of the reasons I kept Science; Zoology, Astronomy and Quantum Physics as areas of “interest”.

An only child to a single parent, left-handed with a BIG imagination, my playtime was usually by myself. And it was an adventure living next to a park, train tracks and a creek. Aside… I did have friends. I just enjoyed being in my world most times. I loved telling spooky stories as a kid, around the fire or at slumber parties. I did great in my English and writing classes, and have been told by many, “I should be a writer”. I feel more of a director, though… being that visual artist and setting up the shot. But, somehow I merged into Costumes & MUFX. I really wanted to make Monsters and I was determined.

After a four-year run in my very first career as a Cosmetologist, I returned to college at UW- Superior in 1992. After 5-years with a major shift from Marine Biology into Film & Theatre, it wasn’t enough. I needed more intensive classes, not theoretical; classes like Hands-on Super 8, Puppetry, Pattern Drafting, Screenwriting, Mold-making, Prosthetics… So, my family moved me out to Northern Cali, so I could pick up where I left off. 1998-2005 were tough years going through college; Party-mode, what’s a Microbrew? A few DUIs, and… it’s the Weed Capital of the US? Lord, help me.

p.s. I really did not know that! I was most interested in the classes, the weed was just a bonus.

After graduation, my family helped me pack up, again, and moved me to Las Vegas. I couldn’t stay in Northern Cali. I had bigger plans, and well, I was a Gypsy. But, why Vegas? Well, L.A. was too f’in expensive and crowded, even though I wanted to work in the industry. And the highways, I heard were awful. Vegas was my only other option, it was still an entertainment industry there. I heard about this “Cirque du Soleil” and realized they had a bunch of shows in Vegas. So I was determined. And what I say, I DO! Sometimes not the best quality to have, as I can say a lot 🙂

Not only did I land a job at Cirque, but I managed to work at Blue Man Group as well. As a Heavy Metal Rocker from the 80’s, this was my preferred job of choice. Lots of musicians and funny ones at that. Don’t get me wrong, working at Cirque with artists from around the world was an awesome experience with so many cultures. But, in my heart, I’m a Rocker more. A few years in, I met my husband from India. Who happened to be working on films in Bollywood. Although, not a song & dance kinda director. In 2012, we moved to Los Angeles so he could work on a film in L.A. with a big producer from India. I left Vegas and didn’t look back – as I always do. Bye….

L.A. was a struggle for me over the year. It was difficult to get a paid job with my experience in a very highly competitive industry. My MFA seemed worthless and nepotism was the Word. So, I resorted to starting an online shop designing dog costumes, Hounds of Hell Boutique, while still job hunting. Then when my husband’s film was done, he got an offer to move to Savannah, GA in 2013. I HAD to go there. Never been out East and I heard it was hauntingly beautiful. But, I had to start all over again. I kept my dog costumes going and entered the strange world of the paranormal.

As a MUFX artist, I brought my cards to the college, SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design) where I worked on several student films. Most make-up artists were up in Atlanta working on The Walking Dead. So, it gave me a little upper hand. I tried to get in to teach at SCAD, but they were limited. I took a job at the very infamous & haunted Moon River Brewing and saw another ad for a Ghost Tour Guide. There it was, the beginning. The Gribble House Haunted Experience was part tour/part paranormal investigation. I was able to use paranormal equipment and teach others how-to as well. The shit I heard come out from the SB-7 Spirit Box was mind-blowing. I was called by name, answers to questions were so loud and clear. I was called an “idiot”, well, ok… and a “bitch”, not ok. An idiot, yeah, but I’m not a bitch!

In a town of about 55,000, there were 87 tours, in which about 40 of them were haunted tours! Talk about competition. You all have to get along, or do something so unique as to not “copy” the other tours, even though many told the same stories, it was really in the deliverance. I learned A LOT, just. right. there. So, when my husband’s project ended, our time was up in Georgia a year later. We moved back to L.A., starting over once again in July 2014.

This time I had different lenses on, and I decided to start my own Ghost Tours. Three months of research, location/property interviews, mapping, website building and starting. OY… The Los Angeles Downtown library was HUGE! Eight floors. I had run up and down more than you can imagine during my research. It was coming together, but the final piece… my tour name.

I choose, the City of Dark Angels Tours. So many fallen angels there, esp. on Hollywood Blvd -the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. Hollywood Ghost Tours would be the main-tour, adding the Haunted Hollywood Pub Crawl almost year later. My husband’s best friend worked in graphic design making Bollywood movie posters, so his company, Brainstorm Advertising designed my logo. They did an excellent job, as seen below. We originally had a Bloody Hollywood sign in there, but the Hollywood sign is copyrighted and I got a Cease & Desist letter! Oops. Easy fix.

I had taken Photoshop & Illustrator courses in college, so I became involved in the process and worked my way up to my own designing and editing. Self-sufficient, had to be. As broke as we were back in L.A. Although, my husband would take on film projects in India, as he struggled to find paid jobs in L.A., too. You can’t tell a hard working, East-Indian to work on a film for nothing. He was in the industry almost 20-years in Mumbai, working for directors and producers at the TOP of the Bollywood food chain. So, he gave Hollywood the bird, and kept going back to Mumbai. We were separated a lot, and the entire situation strained our relationship.

I ran my tours for almost three years and continued my side designing gigs as well. Then he was offered four film projects throughout India, in which he had to take to survive. But he couldn’t continue to pay rent in L.A. with my struggles as well, so we split. I can’t live in India. I’ve been there six times- that’s a whole ‘nother novel to write about in that journey! I love visiting, but 6 weeks was almost too much. We’re too spoiled here in the US.

My parents offered me to move in with them in Lake Havasu City, AZ. while I went back to school to get a more stable back-up plan, as a Massage Therapist. I kick myself for letting my Cosmetology license go. At least I could have still worked doing hair in L.A. But, that’s water under the bridge. But, Hey…. where I’m moving to has a very historical bridge, The London Bridge! It was taken apart brick-by-brick in England and brought over to the AZ desert in Lake Havasu City in 1969. I could definitely do a tour there as a side gig while going to school. Especially, as the previous tour company quit three years prior, so no-one was doing tours anymore. Hence the start of my second tour company, Havasu Hauntings.

I must leave it there, as that’s another chapter. I have so much more of my haunted history to share. Once I left my Cali tour behind, I rarely looked back or posted about my past experiences and stories in Hollywood. But, I think I’m changing that policy, as, well… for they are stories. And some pretty damn exciting ones at that. I’ll be sharing my Hollywood tour stories from my time in L.A. and to be Frank (while still being Kim), this written journey is part motivation of my book I’ll FINALLY be writing about on my City of Dark Angels.

Hope to entertain you soon again…

~Kimberly Christine, MFA, Ghostess, & Reiki Master

Healing & Visual Artist; M.F.A. Costume & Make-Up FX Designer... Reiki Master, LMT, & Sorceress...