Guys CAN be Pussies-Assaulted Women on Hollywood Blvd


An UNBELIEVABLE and Unexpected night as I had a group of AMAZING women on my Ghost Tour that lasted all night because they were so awesome and fun to be around.   After it all, on return to our vehicles saying our goodbyes, we were interrupted by a guy outside of 33 Taps on Hollywood Blvd who asked us, “can guys be pussies?!”  We were ignoring the guy as we continued saying our goodbyes.  Then to appease him, I kindly replied, “yes, I believe sometimes they can be”.  Other chatter was happening with him and some of the other girls during our goodbyes and we were breaking apart the group heading our own way, when I heard a muffled yell and commotion.  A couple of us turned around and He punched one of the girls!  And took off running across Hollywood Blvd down Vine Str!!!  WTF??!!

The remaining four girls full of anger and andrenaline, including about 15 pedestrians who witnessed it, chased after the guy.  He continued to turn around to punch and kick us as he ran way.  I dropped my bag full of expensive electronics to ease my burden and continued to chase after him. Girls were dropping as he continued to beat them. The bystanders swarmed in around him from all sides, ganged up and tackled the guy kicking and punching him. Must’ve been about 12-18 Angels. The guy lay frozen, beaten, partially unconscious in his drunken stupor or just afraid to move, as we honed back in and restrained him.  I called the cops and within minutes they arrived. There was about 10 officers, Firetruck, 6 bike patrol and a few undercover who arrived on the scene. The guy is going DOWN.

For the record, he wasn’t a homeless guy, but just came out of a bar at closing. Honestly, I think he had a bad night of rejection and wanted to take it out on some Innocent girls not realizing the hole he would bury himself in. Don’t mess with a group of strong women who will give you an honest opinion. There IS power in numbers… thanks to all bystanders who acted and didn’t let that scumbag get away with abusing women.  This “tough GUY’s” life is OVER.   Way to go JackAss!  buh-bye.  And you just answered your initial question,  YES… GUYS CAN BE PUSSIES!

Healing & Visual Artist; M.F.A. Costume & Make-Up FX Designer... Reiki Master, LMT, & Sorceress...