Life update and Spooky Stool Slipcovers


Hey everyone!

I know, I know… where have I been? I’m trying to be more proactive with writing and updating you on some of my projects. And then I strained a back & hip muscle and was down for over a week. Was tough to not be able to anything but just lay down. No computer, no reading, only watching tv shows. It got boring real fast as most who know me, know there is no rest for the wicked with my idle hands! I’m still recovering, as the muscle relaxers have finally kicked in.

And yes, I’ve been seeing a chiropractor, doing physical therapy and got a massage. The good thing is when I pulled it, as a massage therapist myself, I knew instantly which muscle it was. It was the Quadractus Lumborum that connects the hips to the spine. Man, its brutal, too! It hurts to sit, stand, walk, and sleep. I had to take the entire week off. And it was the week I planned on working on my taxes and a costume project below. Mom said it was my body telling me to slow down. The only thing I can think of is, I picked up a heavy pan and twisted just right to strain it. I had my grandma for the weekend and we sat in Sunday playing Scrabble and watching the Oscars. Woke up the next morning and couldn’t get out of bed! Damn…. 🙁

Normally, the end of the day is my down time. But that break gave me some ideas and motivation as I listened to a few similar podcasts. One called, “Steal like an Artist” by Austin Kleon, has been a mind opener! It addressed my anxiety of doing too many things and creating the “One” thing from it. Nothing is original anymore, we are all inspired and steal ideas from other artists. And “Range” by David Epstein, which talks about the multi-talents some posses with the “Jack of All trades, Master of None” concept. If any of you are going through these same stuck thoughts in your creativity or profession, I highly recommend giving these a read.

Listening to those during my job as guest Costume Designer & Shop Supervisor at my Alma Mater of University of Wisconsin-Superior for the Spring semester, helped me hone in on some issues flooding and clogging my mind. This job means my creativity has been redirected temporarily as I’m designing a fun, newish musical called, “Ride the Cyclone”. Please check it out as it opens April 12-21st.

I’ve been able to sneak in a few easy and small designs, mostly some slipcovers for stools. One is a black flannel with glow-in-the-dark ghosts.

Glow in the dark ghosty stool cover Glow in the dark Ghosty Stool cover 2

These are great way to cover old dingy stools and bring some spooks into your office. It fits a round stool that is about 14″ x 3″. I can do custom sizing as well, so please do reach out to me. There will be be a small fee for custom work. I have several other styles you can check on for your theme.

Other than that, its been a strange winter here in Minnesota. Hardly any snow. But this weekend we are supposed to get dumped on. Let’s see. I’ve been fortunate to only shovel twice or snowblow at all, this winter.

On that note, I need to skedaddle to get started on my taxes. I hope everyone has been having a great weekend. I think you’ll be hearing more from me as I start to get my writing skills back out there. Afterall, I do have some spooky books and stories to share!

Peace Out & Within


Healing & Visual Artist; M.F.A. Costume & Make-Up FX Designer... Reiki Master, LMT, & Sorceress...